
Letter – Chris Gallacher: Feeble EU

Dear Editor,


The campaign has started for the stay side of the argument with David Cameron using every opportunity to push his side with scaremongering and lies.  He however has done nothing for his side with his comments being rubbished by no less than the French government. So I expect we have to expect more of the same. If they had anything good about staying we would be hearing it, but all we get is fear stories designed to frighten people who have not been given the facts on which to build their decision.


On the other side we are spoilt for choice as to why we need to leave and one more came to light today with the Turkish president Recap Tayyip Erdogan’s threats to open the borders with Europe to millions of refugees and migrants unless Brussels accedes to his demands is proof that he is exploiting the crisis and blackmailing Europe, German magazine Der Spiegel reported.   Along with Turkey wanting to become part of the EU there is Bosnia, Albania, Serbia, Montenegro lining to join and where will they all want to be after accession? Guess.


Turkey has been a supporter of Daesh operations purchasing their stolen oil and supplying weapons and is currently oppressing the Kurds whilst pretending to be a concerned neighbour and now is pressurising the EU to let them in. Ask yourself, what kind of member would they be and would you wish to support their kind of dictatorial government? Brexit for me.


Chris Gallacher TD VR


UKIP Redcar